Philipp heard about Kosovo for the first time in 1999 when his father was to be posted with the German Military in Kosovo. However, his father did not prolong his stay with the German Army and did not have to go. Ever since then, Philipp knew about Kosovo and the situation the country was in. Since August 2016, he lives in Pristina with his wife and children. Philipp moved to Pristina because he got a job in his line, but he’s also known as DJ Smaller and performs in Pristina bars. Philipp is a German Pro Drummer, Music Collector and Creator of Smaller Mixtapes in addition to his regular job.
What doesn’t Philipp like about Kosovo?
Philipp says that sometimes it is tough, especially for Western Europeans, to break through and understand the – what he calls “the Balkan mentality”. Settling for mediocrity instead of full potential, the non-direct approach of things (“me t’njofshëm” – based on knowing someone) or a sometimes old-fashioned way of doing things. He anyways says that he has to admit though that it’s a life lesson to learn and understand how that works, and that’s somewhat enjoyable😉.
What does Philipp like about Kosovo?
As with other people featured in this series, Philipp also likes the most the Kosovar hospitality. He says that his local friends, band members, colleagues and the people on the street make him feel welcome at all times.
Philipp has visited Rugova mountains which are a beautiful sight for all as he says, but besides that, he stayed mostly in Pristina. He says that the city has lots to offer: from small cafés, to your has-it-all-mall, to the traditional watchmaker, the hipster bar, the techno club, the churches, and mosques. Pristina has it all, plus his friends and music tie him to the capital city which Philipp likes! A lot!

Courtesy of DJ Smaller