public transport in Pristina

Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Gjirafa Travel Affiliate Program, which provides a means for me to earn income through your qualifying purchases of tickets at no extra cost to you.

This post shall serve as a guide to using public transport in Pristina, Kosovo. I know how important, frustrating, and yet necessary it is to know how to get around in a new city or country. I was once misled into using private transport by an officer at a tourist information desk at an airport which should never happen to anyone anywhere. This is why this post saves you money when traveling to, in, and outside Pristina.

Pristina is not known for perfect public transport, but it’s not that bad either. Many tourists end up spending money on taxi services (which of course are faster and more comfortable) while they can take a bus and reach their destination for much cheaper.

Public transport to Pristina (from the airport)

Since 2019, there has been a regular bus line of public transport connection between Pristina International Airport and the city of Pristina for only 3 Euros. (one way). The first bus from Pristina leaves at 7 am and from the airport to the city at 8 am and they run every two hours until midnight. The bus departs from the Main Bus Station in Pristina and picks up passengers in a few other spots. You can purchase tickets online by following this link.

Taxi services from/to the Airport

Passengers can also take a taxi to move between Pristina and the airport. It should cost between 15-20 Euros the main taxi companies have a free toll number starting with 0800. I mainly use Taxi Roberti (0800 111 99) even within Pristina but you can also use ETAXI – an eco-friendly company as they use electric vehicles (it’s a bit costlier than the others but works like an Uber, though the only downside is the low number of vehicles they have).

Public transport in Pristina

Inter-city public transport in Pristina is not very well developed yet; however, it covers most of the city areas and for sure the touristy ones. Tourists coming to Pristina bus station can reach the city via local bus no. 7 which they can hop on at the entry of the bus station (by the roundabout). This bus line comes from the bus station towards the city center (or Mother Teresa Boulevard). The ticket costs 0.50 EURO one-way and you pay it to the bus conductor. Currently, there is also a 24-hour ticket which costs 0.80 Euro and can be used across the public transportation lines (except the 1A to/from the Airport). Unfortunately, this only works on these public buses and not for the privately owned lines (that are not in the below app).

More information is provided in the Trafiku Urban. Just click on the bus line on your left side and it will show you the schedule and stops.

public transport in Pristina
Schedule of bus line no 4

The mobile app Trafiku Urban (Android and iOS) is also helpful when in Pristina as you can see the bus’s location in real-time (currently only certain bus lines).

Public transportation outside Pristina

The bus station website shows the international lines. Some buses connect Kosovo with Austria, Belgium, Serbia, Germany, Slovenia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Sweden, Croatia, and Switzerland. Nevertheless, there’s more information needed (and in English) to make tourist planning easier.

That’s why I propose you check Gjirafa. This website is a great help for transport in Kosovo and also between Kosovo and the neighboring countries. In addition, once in the country, you can ask locals for help (we’re friendly) and we will search for all you need to know.

In Gjirafa, you can write your destination, and after you click “search” you can pick the date for your travel. It will give you a number of options (depending on the line). For instance, if I want to go to Peja on June 21st, this is the information I’d get. From this list, you can see the time it takes to go from point A to point B and also how much it will cost and the operator.public transport in Pristina

Gjirafa is also handy if you have to go to other cities or the neighboring countries by using public transport. The same process goes for finding out the schedule of buses. However, always check with the company to verify as at times things change last minute (welcome to Balkans LOL).


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42 thoughts on “A guide to public transport in Pristina, Kosovo

  1. Hi , how can i access about information 10 number bus in prishtina. Ä°ts special i think . Thanks

  2. Hello, I will start studying at the university in Kosovo/Pristina in September, but I have some questions. I’ve seen things like a 1-year pass card and how do they work? Can you give me an idea about the transportation fee and the costs of urban public transportation? And what other suggestions and help would you give to a foreign student who will come to study in your city? I don’t really know how to reach them, I tried but I can’t find clear information. Thank you in advance^^

  3. I will stay in a hotel near Mother Theresa Square. If I take bus to Main Bus Station,
    which line and which station should I choose near Mother Theresa Square ? Thanks in advance.

    1. hey Mike,

      you could take bus 7C at the stop by the Mother Teresa Cathedral (Bill Clinton Boulevard) or you can take bus 1 (same stop) and then need to walk a bit as it doesn’t go at the bus station but it’s a walking distance from the stop before the flyover/overpass.

      You can also take bus no 7 (not in the app as it is run privately) at the bus stop we call “behind the Theater” or Agim Ramadani Street.

      Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out to me on IG with the handle @kosovogirltravels and I’ll try to help.

  4. I’m confused – according to the app you linked, 7C from the bus station terminates at Banesat e Arabeve, and goes nowhere near the city centre? The nearest bus station towards the city looks like it is a 20 minute walk from Pristina Bus Station?

    1. Hi Tom,

      Thanks for your comments. The same bus that terminates at Banesat e Arabeve does the way back through the Bus station as well. In addition to the app which only shows the public-owned buses there are some private public buses (such as number 7) that also passes by the bus station and comes behind the Theater (which is in the city center). Hope this helps.

    2. hi Tom,
      apologies. I double checked that line and it seems that you are correct as it terminates there. One option is to take the bus at that stop and go the other direction. The other option is to walk to a bus stop at Bill Clinton Boulevard and take bus no 1 there which comes by the Mother Teresa Cathedral and then walk to the city center or change into another bus that comes closer (such as bus no 3 or 4).

  5. Thanks for your informations!
    Is it possible to change money at the main busstation? Is the office open from 7 am?

  6. Thanks for the guide! Perhaps I missed that, but is there someone on the bus to pay for the ticket, or do I have to pay to the driver? I am in Tirana, Albania, now, traveling to Pristina in 2 days. In Tirana, there’s always a person walking around the bus, collecting money and giving tickets. Is it same in Pristina? I always use public transport (hate taxis!) 🙂

  7. Thanks for this informative post. I am just wondering if you know if the 1A goes from the airport until midnight as it says on the app, or until 9pm as it says on most websites? I am arriving in Pristina tomorrow around 9pm and trying to figure out what the best way to arrive will be.

    1. hi Sandra,
      sorry for responding late (just seeing the comment now). I always recommend travellers to follow the official info (in this regard the one from Limak) which should be the most updated one.

      Enjoy Kosovo.

  8. Informative and useful article for travelers who are planning to visit Pristina.
    Pristina seems friendly to me from this post.

  9. Hi!
    Do you know the timetable of the bus 7 or where i can find it. I am arriving to bus station at 5AM and want to check is i can travel to city centro by bus at that time or need to wait.

    Many thanks!!!

    1. Hi Santiago,

      I believe the bus number 7 starts operating at 6 30am only so you can’t catch it. However, depending on which part of the city you have to go you can either walk or take a taxi (metered ones start at 1.50 EUR).

      I hope this helps.

  10. Thanks for the website. I have looked on gjirafa but I dont know if I am reading it correctly. I want to travel from Pristina to Skopje in October 2019. Can I book a journey in advance or buy a ticket when I am there. Any help would be good. Thank you.

    1. Hi Iris,

      You don’t need to buy the ticket in advance (not sure if you can even do that yet). You just go to the bus station 20-30 minutes prior to the departure time, get your ticket there, and hop on a bus. There are no seats assigned so you can get a better seat if you are there early. Enjoy the Balkans 🙂

  11. Thank you for this very useful overview. I regularly travel to Kosovo and I was never happy with the fact that I have to take a taxi to the city instead of having the possibility to take a bus. Finally they install a bus service 🙂

    1. Thanks, Chris. Yes, it’s unfortunate there wasn’t public transport until now. There’s the culture of dropping off/picking up family members to/from the airport which probably will still go on despite the bus and Kosovo only lately has become more touristy. I can’t wait to use the bus myself when I go back home (of course, if my family lets me do it LOL)

      1. welcome. didn’t get a follow up email after u replied even if ticked the box

        i might put in a link to this post on my blog if its ok with u… as its a pure logisitics post… just need a nice pic from Pristina.. with a tram in the foreground

        1. I’d love to send you a picture with a tram, but there are no trams in Pristina 😛 I’ll send one with a bus instead 🙂

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