Good news
When I started blogging and sharing my experiences back in March this year, I didn’t know much about all this blogger’s life and all that it entails. I had no idea that there is something like a Liebster Award and I’d never even think I’d get nominated for it. However, after joining some groups on Facebook, from which I got to learn a lot and also increase my presence, I got contacted by Bhavana from Selluence who nominated me.
A big THANK YOU goes to Bhavana for liking my blog and considering it among the five nominees.
What is The Liebster Award
The Liebster Award started in 2011 for the first time as an initiative for small blogs to grow their presence and influence. The Award is also considered as a connection or networking tool for bloggers since according to the official rules the nominated bloggers have to pay this forward to at least five other newly established bloggers.
My favorite blog
I got the blogging bug from my friend (yay so happy to call her so), Karen from Wanderlustingk. Karen visited Kosovo last year in October and found out about her and her blog through her Instagram account. Unfortunately, at the time of her visit, I had my brother’s wedding and couldn’t meet her in person. However, on my visit to Amsterdam, where she used to live, I met Karen and enjoyed our time together. I love the way she describes places or experiences she has; it’s so elaborate and informative that you almost have no need to read another post to obtain more information.
Karen is like my blogging muse. She has all the information and advises that I need. She’s friendly and helpful and a huge reason why I started blogging. I had been traveling before my blog too (actually I’ve done most of it before starting my blog), but I just didn’t make my mind of starting my own blog until I met Karen. Seeing that there isn’t much information online about Kosovo, she urged me to start it as a local person who has lived (almost) all her life here.
10 random facts about me
- I love cats and would love to have one at home but I’m moving all the time so I’d feel sad to leave the cat alone at home or make it a burden for my family members to take care of it.
- I am an Android person when it comes to mobile phones, but own a MacBook Air (lol)
- I’m always doing something in addition to my full-time work and blogging, be it a volunteer position, connecting professionals, or just helping out someone whenever I’m capable of doing it.
- Due to my Kosovo citizenship, there are several countries that I cannot step food on – like India, South Africa, Cuba, and Philipinnes. All these countries are a top priority for me (maybe the forbidden fruit seems tastier).
- I’m very punctual in 99% of cases.
- I’m a coffee lover.
- I love books over movies. Reading allows you to use your own imagination, while movies are ready made and are somebody’s else imagination.
- I collect fridge magnets from my travels.
- I love children. They always make my days. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews.
- One place where I’d move without thinking twice is Tirana, Albania.
Answering questions
1. When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging in March 2017. While talking with Karen she pointed out that there’s not enough information about Kosovo on the Internet. I realized this to be true with a simple Google search. Also, in most of the travel/blogging related Facebook groups people don’t know about Kosovo. That was a big incentive for me to start putting information out there for the travelers/bloggers to read.
2. Which blogs do you enjoy reading the most?
I love travel blogs. I’m not that much into 3-days into xx type of blogs, but more on what to see, what to do, and also for the cultural experiences travelers enjoy.
3.How often you blog and at what time of the day?
Unfortunately, I haven’t been consistent with my blogging schedule. I try to blog at least twice a month (sometimes impossible), and I don’t have a certain time of the day.
4. Do you take own pictures for the blog or download them?
I use my own pictures. In few cases, I’ve used other pictures but with credits given and lately, I’ve started asking for permission.
5. What areas do you want your blog to grow?
I’d want to have a higher presence and a higher DA, but I understand I’m just a beginner so it will take time.
6. What is the last book you read?
I’ve read the Burial Rites by Hannah Kent, based on a real story set in Iceland. It’s a very intriguing book and keeps you hooked. (And I got it from Karen)
7. If not blogging, what else would you do?
Taking pictures. I have my profile in Gurushots, a website which always has various photo challenges for its members.
8. What do you struggle with the most on your blog?
Finishing it (lol). I have several drafts like now. They just sometimes lose their priority and remain there as drafts for a long time. Till their time comes.
9. Which places are on your travel bucket list?
Apart from the “forbidden fruits” that I mentioned above, currently I have a desire to visit Colombia, Slovenia, Poland, and Bulgaria (and many others).
10. How do you begin your day each morning?
Checking my social media (addicted, I know haha), then after carrying out the morning routine, I have a coffee and leave to work or go to work and have a morning coffee with my coworkers.
Who do I nominate?
I nominate the following blogs:
Questions for my nominees
- Out of all the countries you have visited, which one did you like the most?
- When was the first time you heard about Kosovo?
- What is the best memory that you have while traveling?
- Do you travel with a to-do plan or you like spontaneity?
- Have you ever visited a place just because you saw it in a book/series/animation/movie? What was that place?
- Have you made friends while traveling with whom you are still in touch?
- Do you like to visit touristy places or go off the beaten path?
- What is a country that you just can’t get enough of it?
- Is there any country you are not allowed to travel to (for any reason)?
- If traveling was free, where would you be now?
- What is the scariest thing you have experienced while traveling?